2019 My first hackathon in Daegu software highschool
2019 SW hackathon in Daegu software highschool
Github Source Code - https://github.com/dgsw-2019-hackathon/team_2_seelikethisKorean version - https://blog.naver.com/jjmin321/221595099812
Term : July 16th(wed)~17th(thu), 2019
Place : Daegu software highschool gym
Plan contents : 3 people in the first grade created ideas, plans and job boards before starting the hackathon under the theme of 'illuminating the world with SW' and then 3 people in the second grade decided to develop android app and UI / UX design
Main activity contents : we thought it would be good if the subject were children or youth, multicultural and elderly people living alone. And then we decided to among them to develop for children
My role : make a idea, materialize our app plan, design key functions for our app, provide feedback.
My thought and what i learned : I learned and felt a lot of things in my first hackathon in my life. The first grade could not participate in substantial development but I understood the concept of writing code professionally and learned how to use a variety program for collaboration (ex_ git). Hackathon also feels that teamwork is important as it is project. For two days, I was in charge of checking progress. I thought it's a good idea to add a little to moderate of the functions and then add hard level functions is better than add a lot of functions from scratch. unfortunetely we couldn't win the prize in this competition but based on what i learned or felt i would improve this point in next hackathon or competiton
what to improve : When first time, It was easy because we planned 5 main functions before we started development from scratch but we couldn't implement perfectly the functions of a sign up and sign in and post alarm because we used many time for refactoring code and modify code
Team started with the name 'Locate'
Team 'Locate'
This Daegu software highschool hackathon was 3 people in the first grades created ideas, plans and job board after proceeded team building and then we shared each roles. And among them i was took a role about create idea and writing our plan.
After that our 'Locate' team had a lot of hard work that what is fit subject about 'illuminating the world with SW'
And finally, we thought it would be good if the subject were children or youth, multicultural and elderly people living alone. And then we decided to among them to develop for children.
Since it is a project that helps find lost children, we chose 'Locate', which means 'finding'.
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our job boards |
Our ideas, plans |
Design idea and starting materialize
Team 'Locate'
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Daegu software highschool gym |
Our team's idea, plans |
The day after creating ideas, plans and job boards, SW hackathon started in Daegu software Highschool and our 3 people in the second grades (elders) consisted of 2 people in 'Android developer' and 1 people in 'UI / UX designer'
And the first grades couldn't participate in development realistically so in charge of materialize plan of app, design UI / UX, make a PPT, presentation etc.. among them I was in chare of make a idea, materialize plan of app, design key functions for our app, provide feedback.
a lot and variety of drinks!! |
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a lot and variety of snacks!! |
Introduce our app plan and design
Team 'Locate'
FIRST [ Function of uploading a post ]
How to write a post - Lost a child
① Select your child's photo and gender, enter your age, missing location, height, and weight (required) and press Next to skip to ②.
② You should write more than 10 words. You can enter your own phone number and press register when you are done.
Details ex) It disappeared around 3 pm at the back gate of Daegu Software High School, and it has a strong burn on the wrist.
③ Posts I posted are saved in my posts, so others can check my posts, and other people can immediately call or text me through the phone icon and text icon.
How to write a post - Found a child
① Leave the contact information of the user who wrote the post and posted it to the police station or safety center nearby
② Posts that I posted are saved in my posts, and others can check my posts, and other people can call or text me immediately via the phone icon or text icon.
SECOND [ Search Function ]
① Through the name / age / gender, user can find the posts that user think have seen or protected, and can call or text them through your contacts.
② Select a radius of 1-10 km from user's location to find the missing child's posts.
THIRD [ Sign up, Sign in Function ]
How to Sign up ▼
① Easy sign up through SNS account
② sign up through ID and Password
How to Sign in ▼
① Easy sign in through SNS account
② Enter ID and Password
FOURTH [ My Page Function ]
① Sign up and Sign in, out
② User can find and edit and delete posts
FIFTH [ Function of notifying a post ]
① When the upload is completed, ring alarm within radius 5 km
Team 'Locate'
Main Screen Center
Main screen center simply tells you photo, name, and missing location of the children at closest your location. If you press, you go to post posted by author
▶My page
▶My posts
▶Sign out
Write a post [ Necessary Answer ]
Looking for a child (User who lost a child)
▶ Missing child's name
▶ Missing child's gender
▶ Missing child's age
▶ Missing child's photo
▶ Missing child's height , weight
▶ Where is place lost child
▶ Detail story
▶ Phone number
Looked for a child (User who found a child)
▶ Child's name
▶ Child's gender
▶ Child's age
▶ Child's photo
▶ Child's locate
▶ Phone number
Search post
Search looking for a child post
▶ Search by name / age / gender
▶ Search by your locate within radius 10 km
▶ Search by name / age / gender
we had midnight snack time and return to dormitory
Team 'Locate'
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We ate chicken for a midnight snack and then we were go to dormitory ! |

야식으로 치킨을 먹는 모습 , 줄을 서서 기숙사로 가기 위해 준비하는 모습
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we are going to dormitory ! ( PM 11:30 ) |

야식으로 치킨을 먹는 모습 , 줄을 서서 기숙사로 가기 위해 준비하는 모습
Morning of the hackathon's last day!
Team 'Locate'
We checked app plans and app function on the last day of the hackathon and add the non-complete function.
And also we checked UI / UX design, made presentation (PPT) and prepared for presentation

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Introduce app function and design
Sign up and Sign in
Main Screen
Post posts
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Looking for a child post |
Looked for a child post |
Search (shows the child's status and information)
Post information (If you click the post, show post's child information)
My page
Presentation and awarding time have come!
Team 'Locate'
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Juror seniors and teachers. |
Team 'Locate' presenter |
Our presenter's presentation |
My first hackathon review at Daegu Software High School in 2019
Team 'Locate'
I learned and felt a lot of things in my first hackathon in my life and there was no burden because we had project with 3 people in the second grade and 2 people in the first grade.
The first grade could not participate in substantial development but I understood the concept of writing code professionally and learned how to use a variety program for collaboration (ex_ git).
Hackathon also feels that teamwork is important as it is project.
For two days, I was in charge of checking progress and while doing, thought it's a good idea to add a little to moderate of the functions and then add hard level functions is better than add a lot of functions from scratch.
Unfortunately we couldn't win the prize in this competition but based on what i learned or felt i would improve this point in next hackathon or competition.
But frustrating point is the feedback and communication were not smooth, because we didn't finish planning, designing, and idea designing a bit earlier.
Based on what i experienced and felt in this hackathon, when i became the next hackathon or mentor or staff, I would like to say 'please have plan, design,idea design with less weight and please focus on development'.
Finally, I want to say thanks for our 'Locate' teammates and other team, staff and mento!
Hackathon Group Photo ( 1, 2, 3 grades, mento, staff, teachers) |
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