2019 Pycon in korea

2019 Pycon in korea

korean version [https://blog.naver.com/jjmin321/221630486106]

Term : August 17th(sat)~18th(sun), 2019 

Place : Seoul COEX hall

Main activity contents : My first time in joining contest for developer and I could visit about 20 booth. I could know a variety global company that use python and could gain many gift and idea.

My thought and what i learned : I could learn and felt through seeing worldwide company how could they are made success, company's goal and expected effect, how to develop them software and what service they offer etc .. were very useful for me.
Also I could have a python seminar by 3 software highschool students. It is very meaningful time for me to take a step toward my career.


My first developer's contest

participate in 2019 pycon korea

I could participate in 2019 pycon korea! Although I couldn't take a picture a lot, 1 night 2 days were very meaningful for me 

pycon korea is contest for people who use and  like python 


Arround 20 booths

participate in 2019 pycon korea

I could see Delivery Hero what is a food delivery service 

I didn't know this company. So i heard explanation, This company provide management money service. 

There was a nice space that could have rest

Very very expected company jet brains ! Although i didn't win a free gift event, I'm so happy because I wanted to seeing this company!

There was fast campus too! education academy for grow career!

There was line that is very very popular messenger application in Japan too!

This company is programmers. famous internet lecture company in Korea!


Software highschool elder's seminar

participate in 2019 pycon korea


Last time at COEX

participate in 2019 pycon korea

Pycon end time is coming but many people are left!!!

It was time for me to go one step further on my currer!!

Memorable company are Microsoft and Jet brains!

Microsoft didn't administer booth unfortunately, I could look Jet brain and so many popular worldwide company!

and last , I could learn and felt through seeing worldwide company how could they are made success, company's goal and expected effect, how to develop them software and what service they offer etc .. were very useful for me.

Also I could have a python seminar by 3 software highschool students. It was very meaningful time for me to take a step toward my career.




이 블로그의 인기 게시물

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