9월, 2019의 게시물 표시

DUCAMI education volunteer club - Micro:bit education activity, operate a booth

DUCAMI(volunteering club for educational)  Micro:bit educational event, operating booth - At the Creative Convergence Education Fair of the Korea. KR version - [  https://blog.naver.com/jjmin321/221636098396  ] Term : September 1st, 2019 Place : EXCO seminar room at DAEGU Main activity contents : In the morning, set up a education textbook, a laptop, an outlet, a power strip and a micro : bit kit and then promote and survey many people at EXCO. In the afternoon, operated information booth. In addition helped and taught student who can't keep up as a class mentor from 1 p.m ~ 5 p.m My role : set up materials, operate information booth, promote and survey, class mentor My thought and what i learned : I was overwhelmed with my first educational activity at DAEGU EXCO seminar room. However, I was able to adapt while i progress club promotion and survey for the first schedule. Running the information booth, I learned how to attract people and how to make it...

2019 Pycon in korea

2019 Pycon in korea korean version [ https://blog.naver.com/jjmin321/221630486106 ] Term :  August 17th(sat)~18th(sun), 2019  Place : Seoul COEX hall Main activity contents : My first time in joining contest for developer and I could visit about 20 booth. I could know a variety global company that use python and could gain many gift and idea. My thought and what i learned : I could learn and felt through seeing worldwide company how could they are made success, company's goal and expected effect, how to develop them software and what service they offer etc .. were very useful for me. Also I could have a python seminar by 3 software highschool students. It is very meaningful time for me to take a step toward my career. ___________________________________________________________________ My first developer's contest participate in 2019 pycon korea I could participate in 2019 pycon korea! Although I couldn't take a picture a lot, 1 night 2 days were v...